
Re-igniting the Passion to Dance

What better way to re-ignite the passion inside of you than to spend a couple days with your lovely coach and mentor? After having 2 full days packed with lessons, lectures and workshops, we are re-inspired again to dance from within, to search for the truth and to pass it on to our beloved students! read more

The Inner Sound of Dance

Clara showed me some of the feedback from our Robson Square show on her Facebook wall the other day. Among all the very cool comments (which btw, thanks everyone!), there was a question posted about whether or not I make the same sounds I did during our solo Waltz demonstration as I did in competition. read more

Commitment and Clarity of Intention

Oh, the smell of fall… It never fails that shortly after Embassy, when Joel and I get home, the sun disappears, the air becomes a little crisper and the first drops of rain bring in the new season. Fall is definitely upon us, and after basking in the sun on my very relaxing California vacation, I’m ready to get back to work again. In fact, after having a fantastic visit with Luca & Loraine here in Vancouver less than a month ago, I am fully inspired and raring to go! read more

Connecting, Listening and a Passion for Life

These days, it seems to be so hard to connect with people. Everyone is so busy and preoccupied with all the things we have stacked on our plates, that we tend to forget the people who are living and breathing around us. How often do we go to Starbucks and barely acknowledge the barista or cashier, because we just want to grab our coffee and go? How about in the elevator or on the sidewalk? How many times have we tried to avert people’s eyes instead of giving a genuine smile and an honest hello? read more

Get Comfortable with Discomfort!

Time after time, I hear from my students, “REALLY??? But that feels so uncomfortable!” And again and again I’ll say to them each time, “Well, of course it’s uncomfortable! Anything new is going to feel somewhat awkward and strange at first.” The key is to not avoid it, but to face it straight on, so that you can actually learn something. read more