Partnership issues

Don’t Just Practice Harder, Train Smarter!!!

Time and time again, I see too many dancers waste their time “practicing”. They think that being at the ballroom for 2 to 3 hours means that they are hard working and diligent students; but in reality, they really don’t accomplish much. Either they are running through material aimlessly, not knowing what to fix and how to fix it; or they are standing on the floor “discussing” (or worse arguing) about what they should be doing. read more

Making an ASSumption Out of You and Me

As the Snowball Classic draws near, many people are feeling the pressure of competing at this important local event. Here’s one main ingredient that causes tensions to rise and emotions to flare at this stressful time. Please read this article, keep your cool, and have a positive and productive practice… read more

The Dance (Baby) Whisperer – Introduction

As I am reading and re-reading the Baby Whisperer, I discover so many parallels that could be very useful for Ballroom dancers. Just like for the Baby Whisperer, there is no singular almighty solution that is perfect for everyone; each baby and each family (or each dancer and dance partnership) needs to look within themselves and find the strategy that best suits their individual situations. read more

Are We Speaking the Same Language?

Communication is so important in every aspect of life, whether it’s in the workplace, during play, within your family or in your personal life. On the dance floor, good communication can help to avoid misunderstandings, prevent arguments, accelerate your learning and improve your chances of success! read more

Women Trying to be Men

Probably one of my biggest pet peeves out there on the ballroom dance floor is women trying to lead! OMG! Ladies: stop resisting the man and trying to control him! Maybe you do that in your personal life or at work, but there’s no place for it on the dance floor! read more